“Topology optimization and experimental/numerical investigation of damage behavior of PLA-based composite materials produced by additive manufacturing method.”, Turkish Higher Education Council- Erciyes University. Researcher, 2023-2025.
“Failure analysis of one and two-dimensional functionally graded structures by using peridynamic theory”, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). PI, 2020-2022.
“Failure analysis of functionally graded adhesively bonded joints by using phase-field approach”, TUBITAK. Researcher, 2022- Present.
“Coupling of peridynamic least-squares minimization (pdlsm) approach and physics-informed deep learning framework for solving differential equations” German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). PI, 2021. Advisor (Prof. Dr. Timon Rabczuk, Bauhus University, Germany).
“Development of a new zigzag finite element formulation for structural analysis of laminated composite beams under static and dynamic loads”, TUBITAK. PI, 2021-2022.
“Development of the peridynamic formulation within the framework of the finite element method.” funded by Turkish Higher Education Council- Erciyes University, PI, 2021- 2022.
“Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Program for Material Failure Prediction through Peridynamics” funded by The US Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant number FA9550-14-1-0073 (AFOSR Program Managers, Drs. D. Stargel, A. Sayir, F. Fahroo, and J. Tiley). Researcher, 2013-2019.
“Demonstration of Refined-Zigzag Theory for Predicting Failure in Composite Structures” funded by NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA. (PI: Prof. Erdogan Madenci, Dr. Alexander Tessler). Researcher, 2016- 2017.
Peridynamics for Predicting Fracture in Glass, Corning, Inc., Researcher, 2014-2017.
“Fluted-Core Sandwich Composite Structures” funded by NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA. (PI: Prof. Erdogan Madenci). Researcher, 2014- 2015.
“Elastic wave propagation in functionally graded circular cylinders” funded by Turkish Higher Education Council- Erciyes University under grant number FBA-2016-6342. (PI: Prof. M. Kemal APALAK, Prof. J.N. REDDY) Researcher, 2016- 2019.
“Peridynamic modeling of lithium-ion batteries” funded by TUBITAK, Academic advisor, 2020- 2021.
“Stress analysis of sandwich beams with a functionally graded core by using peridynamic differential operator and refined zigzag theory” funded by TUBITAK, Academic advisor, 2019- 2020.